About Manchester

Grant Writing FAQs

What types of support can the OIE grants office provide?

We can help with a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, researching potential funders, proofreading, editing, providing feedback on drafts, interpreting guidelines, managing proposal development, creating budgets, and assisting with other submission requirements specific to the opportunity.  


Who writes the proposals?

Grant project leaders are experts on the project information and asked to draft the initial proposal.  OIE's director of grants may be able to edit and write portions of the proposal.  


When do I need approval to submit a proposal?

If a grant award check would be written to MU, or if MU would draw down grant funds from a funder (even for a very small amount), the proposal should go through the approval process for Grants and Sponsored Programs. If a grant check would be written to you as an an individual, it does not go through Grants and Sponsored Programs. If you're not sure, contact the Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs.


Why should I meet with the director of grants first?

The meeting is an opportunity to identify which tasks need to be completed for the submission and what kinds of support you will need. Talking it through with someone helps clarify the focus and may lead to additional resources you didn’t know about.  A project planning template (also available on the website) can help you organize the work and meet deadlines.

I have an idea for a project, but how do I find funding? 

If there is a project you’d like to pursue involving research, service, community outreach or some other initiative that benefits our students, e-mail Sara Larkin at SMLarkin@emotionsamsara.com

federal support
private support